There are lots of Trans Am project cars for sale. They usually have needs such as paint and body or interior or engine work. These cars tend to be in the $3,000 to $8,000 range. They might not be number matching anymore and it might have a 455 where a 301 or 403 used to be. Some of them are quite nice. Just understand it will never be a #1 concours car because too many parts are missing. It usually takes about $10,000 to get into the kind of car that has some long range potential as a keeper. It may need interior renovation or a dash repair but the engine, tranny and axle is factory issue. Or conversely it might need a rebuild but the body is excellent.
Let's start off with a black 1977 Trans Am coupe with W72 engine, a/c, N90 mags and sporting new tires and good paint with gold decals. Owner is asking $14,900 for this car.It's not a giveaway price but you're getting the desirable four speed 400 with black and gold livery without any immediate sorting out hassles.
Next one is a 1978 Trans Am coupe in metallic brown. It has a/c, N90 mags which are also WS6 spec, custom interior, power windows and a nice ready to enjoy car. Owner wants $19,000 for this peach.
This 1979 Trans Am is finished in Starlight Black with Black interior and has the L80 Olds 403 engine. Options include a/c, power windows, power door locks and N90 mag wheels. Priced at $23,900, this is the most expensive find yet. No doubt, you've noticed I haven't shown a single genuine SE car. There were none available in my area.